
Anna BILINSKA (1854-1893) ✿

Anna Bilińska-Bohdanowicz (1854-1893) was a Polish painter, known for her portraits. A representative of realism, she spent much of her artistic life in Paris. Bilińska is considered the first Polish female artist to receive a professional artistic education on an academic level and to earn critical acclaim abroad. She was included in the 2018 exhibit Women in Paris 1850–1900.

In 1889 she presented her Self-Portrait at the Exposition Universelle in Paris for which she was awarded a silver medal and was granted the right to exhibit her works out of competition during future editions of the event.
This proved to be her first major international success. In 1889 her works were exhibited at the Royal Academy of Art in London. In 1891, they were displayed at an annual international exhibition in Berlin where she was awarded a gold medal.

Self-portrait, 1887

Anna Bilinska painted by Emmeline Deane, 1884
Anna Maria Bilińska-Bohdanowiczow (Złotopolu, 8 dicembre 1854 – Varsavia, 8 aprile 1893) è stata una pittrice polacca, figlia di un medico polacco della ex città di frontiera di Złotopol nell'Impero russo (una volta al confine con la Polonia, ora in Ucraina), dove ha passato la sua infanzia. Visse con suo padre nella Russia imperiale, dove il suo primo insegnante d'arte fu Michał Elwiro Andriolli, prima di studiare musica e arte a Varsavia, dove divenne studentessa di Wojciech Gerson nel 1877.

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