
Rainer AUGUR ✿

Fu l'abbandono
che mi sfuggì
dalle mani

e non detti
tempo luce
a risvegliare passi
che inarcata mi ritrovai
sul dorso dei miei pensieri
a sillabare
e polpastrelli ardenti
di petali d'Amore...

~ Catherine La Rose© ~
tratto da "Incanto tra i petali"

Il ricordo si svela
la bocca ruba l'attimo
il tuo fiato è dentro me

~ Catherine La Rose© ~

A me è parso
un dolce suono di te
a me ancora invade
la mente...

~ Catherine La Rose© ~

Rainer Augur contemporary figurative painter from Germany is an international artist active both on the local and international market. Rainer Augur presents a variety of quality artworks.
Rainer Augur tries to capture the special moments of life on canvas
In order to transmit emotions to the viewer.
Objects and people are captured as accurately as possible and reproduced.
Powerful colors and the play with light and shadow make scenes seem particularly
realistic. In order to direct the viewer's attention to certain persons of his works of art, they are presented in the central perspective and accessible to the observer in the immediate vicinity.
As a result, the spark jumps over quickly and the viewer feels moved into the scenery of his pictures. The role of the viewer is dissolved and changes into one of a compassionate and experiencing.
Palm Art Award 2013

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