
Sergey Ushanov MIKHAILOVICH ✿

'Ti aspetterò
in silenzio
un silenzio
colmo di gesti
e poemi d'Amore...
Come quando ci accarezzammo a lungo
i capelli
e le mani
senza poterci toccare...'

~ Catherine La Rose©2014 ~

 'Ecco mormorar il cuore
sulle corde del vento
tessere nostalgiche
trame di ricordi
in dolce vita velarne l'aria
sull'arco del tempo...'

~ Catherine La Rose© ~

Sergey Ushanov MIKHAILOVICH / Сергей Ушанов Михайлович
was born in 1972 in city of Leningrad (S-peterburg) currently lives in Odessa, Ukraine
The artist works in the style of Surrealism and post-modernism dealing with the innermost ideas and subconsciousness. Some of these works are already in private collections of Europe. He graduated from Odessa State Art College. Grekov (1992, teacher - Lukin, SI), art and graphics department South Ukrainian Pedagogical University. Ushyns'kogo (1998), Masters (1999), PhD (2003). Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (2003). The participant-Ukrainian and international exhibitions.

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