
Victor HAGEA ✿

'Fermati un istante
ingigantita clessidra del vanto
sospeso sospiro sul monte
interprete di tessuti labiali
calamaio sublime di poesie...
Usa tutte le lettere che hai
bandiscimi al cielo
ed esclamami alle stelle...'

~ Catherine La Rose© ~
tratto da "Un istante per l'infinito"

'Assapora la sorte lentamente...
lentamente indietreggia la tua mente...'

~ Catherine La Rose© ~
tratto da "Un istante per l'infinito"

Romanian Surrealist painter Victor Hagea was born in1948 Lupeni/Hunedoara, Romania. I have been interested in drawing and painting since youth, and had a rigorous arts education. I have been much influenced by the Flemish, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and French great masters. I saw in their multi-faceted work multiple windows toward the absolute. Then Dalí showed me what kinds of possibilities dwell within the domain of the "real" and what the artists can make of it.

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