
Alexandre Jacques CHANTRON (1842–1918) ✿

'Stringe il conforto
adagio aspetta
sfoglia l'immenso ricordo
stilla pezzi di vita
sorseggia la pazienza
abbandona le voci
immobile riflette l'assenza
mentre l'anima
spacca gli specchi
e concerta atono in Barfly
la solitudine...'

tratto da "La Solitudine" di ~ Catherine La Rose
©2009 ~

Alexandre Jacques Chantron (1842 – 1918) born a Nantes was a French artist, whose later career evolved from painting nude study and photography.
Chantron was a pupil of Picot, T. Robert-Fleury and Bouguereau. Entered the Paris Salon in 1877 with a religious subject, gained an honorable Mention in 1893, exhibited Fleurs de primemps at the Salon in 1895. He was awarded a third class medal in 1899, and a second class medal in 1902. He primarily painted history paintings, portraits, still lives (flowers) and later on nudes in the manner of Bouguereau.

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